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The Integrated Vegetation Management Association of British Columbia (IVMA of BC) is a recognized organization of professional people dedicated to the responsible practice of all aspects of vegetation management working for and providing information to its members in British Columbia and across Canada. 


Thank You


We appreciate your support!

CEC Accredited Webinars

Webinars listed below displaying promo code instructions are approved for one Continuing Education Credit (CEC) towards pesticide applicator recertification in BC. All are free of charge for IVMA of BC and ISCBC members.

Recorded Webinar
December 2, 2024 | 9am PT
Selective Management of Multiple Invasive Aquatic Plants in BC Using ProcellaCOR FX Aquatic Herbicide
Presented by Mark Heilman
Ph.D., CLM, Vice President
Environmental Restoration & Advocacy

IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
April 3, 2024 | 9am PT
Calibrating Boomless Sprayers
Presented by Tom Wolf


Agrimetrix Research & Training

IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
October 19, 2023 | 1pm PT
Post-Launch Updates and Future Plans for InvasivesBC
BC’s Newly Released Invasive Species Database and Mapping Application
Co-Presented by Crystal Chadburn, Pag

Senior Invasive Plant Specialist


Brennan Webster

Invasive Species Data Specialist


IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
May 2, 2023 | 9am PT
Managing New Plant Invasions Riding the Wave of Atmospheric Rivers in BC and Alberta
Presented by David Clements

Plant Ecologist

Trinity Western University

IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
March 28, 2023 | 9am PT
Managing Knotweed Adjacent to Water Under the City of Abbotsford's Pesticide Use Permit
Presented by Doug Drinkwater

General Manager

Drinkwater Environmental Services

IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
December 7, 2022 | 9am PT
A Successful Approach to Strategic Invasive Plant Management in BC Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure Gravel Pits
Presented by Dave Ralph

Senior Operations Manager and Safety Officer

Invasive Species Council of BC

IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
October 19, 2022 | 9am PT
Canadian Pesticide Registration: From Lab to Label
Presented by Danielle Soulard

Manager, Chemistry, Science and Regulatory Affairs

CropLife Canada

IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
December 7, 2021 | 9am PT
Avoiding Disaster: What You Miss When You Skim a Pesticide Label
Presented by Laura Feeny

Regional Pesticide Officer

Health Canada’s Pesticide Compliance Program

IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
October 21, 2021 | 9am PT
Biological Control: A Management Tool in BC
Presented by Susan Turner

P.Ag., Invasive Plant Biocontrol Specialist

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and

Rural Development, British Columbia

IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
April 27, 2021 | 9am PT
A Story of Invasion and the Fight for Good:

New Invasive Plants to B.C.

Presented by Becky Brown

P.Ag., Invasive Plant Specialist

British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations

and Rural Development, British Columbia

IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
March 30, 2021 | 9am PT
Formulation Basics, Tank Mixing and Common Issues, and Sprayer Cleanout
Presented by Gavin Lunn

Regional Account Manager, Ontario & Manitoba

Corteva Agriscience

IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
November 24, 2020 | 9am PT
Glyphosate Myths and Facts
Presented by Darell Pack
Director of Provincial Regulatory Affairs and Stakeholder Relations
CropLife Canada

IVMA of BC members:

Please see instructions on recorded webinar link for promo code to view recorded webinar free of charge.

Co-Hosted by:

Recorded Webinar
October 8, 2020 | 9am PT
Human Health and Safety Around the Use of Herbicides
Presented by David Pinzon
Regulatory Affairs Manager, Crop Protection and Seeds
Corteva Agriscience

If you experience audio issues, please download the Adobe Connect Application and choose this option to view the recorded webinar, as opposed to choosing "Open in Browser".

The Integrated Pest Management Authorizations program has made changes to the pesticide use permit application process under the Integrated Pest Management Act, which take effect starting June 7, 2021. Key changes are highlighted in the attached bulletin and a high-level overview of the new process is attached.

More supporting resources for applicants is under development and will become available this year.


Please reach out if you have any questions to


Shelley Metcalfe, MEL, P.Ag.

Authorizations Section Head |Industry & Integrated Pest Management

South Authorizations | Environmental Protection Division

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy

CEC Credits Small.jpg

IVMA of BC provides a valuable tool for members: recertification for pesticide applicators WITHOUT the need for rewriting the applicator exam. Simply register in the Continuing Education Credits program and start collecting credits! Learn more...

Looking to renew your IVMA of BC membership?

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